Monday, September 27, 2010

12-year education cycle

To help reverse the decline in the quality of Philippine education, the incoming Aquino administration is mulling adding two more years to the country's basic education cycle--an additional year in elementary and another year in high school.

Why are we trying to complicate the problem? Prolonging the cycle may not really address the issue. The crisis is, children are not learning, and children are dropping out. So, I think we should focus all our resources on enabling all the children to complete grade 6, math and reading and be good citizens," says Milwida Guevarra, president and CEO of Synergeia Foundation.

the problem is really about the quality of the system. the Philippines is only one of two nations in the world to have a six-year school cycle in elementary and four in high school.
“We’re not proposing something different, we’re proposing to catch up with the rest of the world. It’s a quality thing,”

I really feel sorry for the next generation! Giving them two more school year will further stagnate their learning from the same old style of system of education the Philippines had.
All these technocrats and bankers want are profit, not a quality and high-standard learning for the youngters. I think we need an education revolution, to upgrade our learning system to the 20th century standards. Just like here in State of Qatar, everything is based on computers, the reading materials are all recorded in a DVD, all the books and the libraries are in a database, you just click on the subject and presto, students learn and see the answers in front of the screen. By this way, all the students learn the basics of computers as well as finding it easy to learn their subjects at the click of their hands. Now the question is, can the Philippines do it? Not with the technocrats and bankers on tow. Maybe after another 20 centuries.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

10 ways to fix basic education

1. 12-Year Basic Education Cycle
2. Universal pre-schooling for all
3. Madaris Education as a sub-system within the Education system.
4. Technical vocational education as an alternative stream in senior high school
5. “Every Child a Reader” by Grade 1
6. Science and Math proficiency
7. Assistance to private schools as essential partners in basic education
8. Medium of Instruction rationalized
9. Quality textbooks
10. Covenant with loval governments to build more schools

Monday, September 20, 2010

about me ( Ed Leonard Sarmiento )

Hi. I am Ed Leonard Sarmiento. I am the 2nd child out of 3 children. I was born in UST hospital at manila. I am already 14 years old. My birthday is june 17,1996. My parents are in USA to work for us. We are living with the family members of my mother. I am happy with this kind of  life even we are not with our parents.